Sacramento’s Camden Spit & Larder, The New MV Agusta Superveloce, & California’s Market


Sacramento’s Camden Spit & Larder

At six17, dining experiences are the cornerstone of our daily planning. We spend much of our time meeting with clients and colleagues while breaking bread, and we prefer the affair to be adventurous, exciting, and with a well appointed wine menu!

A sunny Friday afternoon lunch brought us to Camden Spit & Larder at the famed 555 Capitol Mall in Downtown Sacramento. The history and swag of the building continues to carry through the generations as a prime location for any business.

This London inspired eatery is packed with English style and flare in its design and energy. Find yourself among friends at the bar or tucked away in the interiors multiple intimate booths. The outdoor patio is primed for Sacramento’s warm summer evenings with views of the Tower Bridge framed over the river.

The menu’s global influence boasts nuances of the region’s busting agriculture rippling throughout. After an immersive appetizer of ahi crudo, the table sampled fresh pita and tzatziki and a fragrant Indian spiced salmon with cauliflower and cucumber lime yogurt. It was delicious, refreshing and demand revisiting.


The food was incredible. The location is ideal for a pre-concert dining experience walking distance to the entry of the Golden 1 Center. Parking was doable, and the stroll through the sidewalks was a welcomes feeling of normal, city life after a year indoors.

Chef Oliver Ridgeway waltzed around the tables reviewing the experiences of the lunch crowd- a reminder that even in the capitol city, the personalized and family experience is still important to business owners.

MV Agusta’s Superveloce

MV has done it again. Reimagined from MV’s racing legacy of the 1970’s, the 148 horsepower @ 13,000 RPM Superveloce in-line 3 cylinder engine will send you smoothly sailing in style at a comfortable cruise of 240 mph.

Like all things MV, the bike itself is incredibly emotional. Built for the delicate framed Italian, MV’s machines are truly made for the most discerning female rider, yearning for an in-bike seat position and smart, receptive controls.

It has been called MV’s answer to the Ducati Panigale, which is comfortably sleeping on its tender in Cassandra’s garage with no threat of replacement. That being said, whether its the MV or Ducati, the Italians know how to build an impressible motorcycle.

MV will offer a handmade, Serie Oro version of the Superveloce, however even the straight run will be special order only. Test drives will not be possible (believe me, I’ve tried), unless you catch an unclaimed one at a store and a sales manager willing to lose his job.

Cassandra’s Market Update


What. A. Year.

With each passing ideation of the real estate industry in the local markets we serve in both Northern and Southern California, we are met with new roles that we play as facilitators in the buying and selling of property.

The two most popular questions I have been asked in the last year are:

  1. Is there a mass exodus from Los Angeles?

  2. What is happening to the Sacramento real estate market?

The answers are very defined.

  1. Define “mass”. Here’s what I know- every seller of the homes I sold in LA, didn’t purchase their next home in Los Angeles. Home sales were up- and depending on who you ask and what neighborhood you are targeting- somewhere between 25-35% YTY range. Another possibly influenced statistic said that between February and July of 2020, over 50k people left LA. If I had to guess, I think it’s triple that, and then there is the remainder of the year.

  2. Sacramento is making her debut. The market is starting its engines, and what has happened in the last two years is just the beginning. What does this mean to you? It depends on who you are.

    What you need to know as a Buyer in Sacramento is you need to get yourself an agent that has worked in a major market before. *Eh-hem. Seriously- if you have to pick between your aunties friend that has been at a local brokerage for 20 years or your young buddy that relocated their business from the Bay or Southern Cal, phone that friend. Here’s why: Sacramento is a prime market and you need prime market experience. Gone are the days of family loyalty to real estate agents, this is the big leagues. It’s more competitive than you are prepared for, and the buyers you are up against are coming in hot with their star player agents. You need LeBron, not the community centers shooting guard.

As a Seller the advice is really the same but with a far different purpose. If your agents past listings aren’t staged at editorial quality, they aren’t the right agent to sell your house. Superior photos directed by a seasoned and tasteful eye are essential. Most importantly, your pricing strategy is going to make or break your success and take home dollar at the end. I have had multiple conversations with long time regional agents about how they are not interested in getting the most money for their client’s house. *Cue jaw to floor. The speed of the market is scary for some because it’s hard to master. Pricing in an aggressive market takes experience, confidence and on the ground, present interactions with the Buyer pool- which means run, don’t walk, from any agent that mentions the words “lockbox.”

As for the future of these two markets, Los Angeles will continue to be much of what it has been. It’s softening, but there will always be a quick overturn to real property in the City of Angels, at least for the foreseeable cycle.

Sacramento on the other hand, the working phrase for the mid, downtown, and immediate surrounding areas is “small-lot subdivision”. We need more density in purchasable units near the city center. Residential incentive zones similar to the workings in the earlier 2000’s and 2010’s of San Diego and Long Beach will light development on fire and invigorate the metropolis.

Hang in there friends,



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